User:Bgo/sandbox lmp
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< User:Bgo
Submitting LAMMPS Simulations
The initial setup must be completed for the following to work as expected.
The initial setup must be completed for the following to work as expected.
A sample torque submission script is located at
Parameter unnamed not defined. For correct usage see template's documention.
#PBS -l walltime=10:00:00,mem=15gb,nodes=1:ppn=16 ##PBS -M EmailAddress ##PBS -m bae #PBS -q default #PBS -N Jobname #PBS -o myoutput.txt #PBS -j oe . $(which lmp-config) # The LAMMPS input file must have a '.lmp' extension (e.g., mysimulation.lmp). INPUTFILE=mysimulation doLAMMPS
If your LAMMPS input file is mysimulation.lmp, you can directly submit this script to run your simulation on the cluster. For an input file of any other name, but with a lmp filename extension, just change the value of INPUTFILE.
Advanced Options
#PBS -l walltime=10:00:00,mem=15gb,nodes=1:ppn=16 ##PBS -M EmailAddress ##PBS -m bae #PBS -q default #PBS -N Jobname #PBS -o myoutput.txt #PBS -j oe LMP_CMD=lmp MPI_CMD=mpirun MPI_OPTS= LMP_SUFFIX=.lmp . $(which lmp-config) # The LAMMPS input file must have an extension that matches LMP_SUFFIX. INPUTFILE=mysimulation doLAMMPS