Update 202405
From HPC Wiki
Update to Rocky Linux 9. CentOS discontinued and CentOS 7 reaching end of life (EOL) June 30, 2024.
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module load newsetup
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module avail
------------------------ /usr/share/Modules/modulefiles ------------------------ dot module-git module-info modules null use.own --------------------------- /modules/node/common/MPI --------------------------- impi/2017.4.196 ------------------------ /modules/node/common/Programs ------------------------- bamtools/2.5.1 ffmpeg/4.4 bedtools/2.31.0 gaussian/16B.01-avx2 bowtie/1.2.2 gaussian/16C.01-avx2 bowtie2/ gaussian/16C.01-LINDA-avx2 bowtie2/2.5.1 nco/4.7.6 cmake/3.15.3 nco/4.9.3 cmake/3.24.2(default) openssl/1.0.2k cmake/3.9.1 openssl/3.0.9 fastx-toolkit/0.0.14 salmon/0.12.0 ffmpeg/3.3.3 salmon/1.1.0 ------------------------ /modules/node/common/Libraries ------------------------ isl/0.22 mpfr/4.0.1 trimmomatic/0.39 lapack/3.7.1 ncurses/5.9 x264/20171213 libjpeg-turbo/ newsetup/0.1 zstd/1.5.5 libpng/1.5.30 openssl/1.0.2k mkl/2017.0.3 openssl/3.0.9 ------------------------ /modules/node/common/Languages ------------------------ cuda-toolkit/10.1.243(default) gcc/6.4.0 cuda-toolkit/11.6.2 gcc/7.3.0 cuda-toolkit/8.0.61 gcc/8.3.0 gcc/11.4.0 gcc/9.2.0 gcc/12.3.0 intel/2017.4.196 gcc/13.2.0 ----------------------------- /modules/node/Types ------------------------------ centos-7-63/0.1 centos-7-79/0.1 rocky-9.3-143/0.1 thisnode/0.1
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Number of nodes in partition with N available cores and RAM. Nodes Partition Available Cores Available RAM (MiB) 6 kisame 64 515134 4 himem 32 2063430 62 node 20 128000 4 himem 20 512000 2 gpu 20 128000 17 lomem 16 64000
The himem partition has 4 compute nodes with 32 cores available and just under 2TiB RAM free. There are another 4 himem compute nodes free, but these have 20 cores and 50.5 TiB RAM free.